Nella the Princess Knight Wiki

Up All Knight is the second half of 2nd episode of Season 1.


Queen Mom is reading Princess Norma a bedtime story. Right after they leave, Princess Norma wakes up, with both of them coming back in only to find a glowing bird appearing out of the window. Blaine comes in with the Knight Brigade to chase after the bird, which Nella then transforms into the Princess Knight. The bird goes everywhere in the castle with nobody being able to catch it. Nella then tries to open a window, but the bird then runs outside.

Trinket then runs outside her stable to follow the bird with Nella. The bird then stops, and states that Blaine is unable to sleep because of how bright the bird’s glow is. Nella says that they need to be nice to the bird, instead of just going rough on it. After Nella’s song about kindness, Blaine decides to be kind to the bird.

The bird then comes down, where Nella then decides to call the bird Dazzle. Dazzle then says that she was trying to find a place to sleep for the night. Blaine then puts a cage on Dazzle, where the Knight Brigade takes her away to a tower, where the key gets dropped into the bushes.

Sir Garrett gets tired, where they then realize that the bird gets brighter, with Nella coming up that the bird is upset for being caged. Nella then uses her lance, where her friends then use as a catapult to send her to the window to rescue Dazzle the bird. Nella and Blaine then use a pillow as a nest for Dazzle to sleep in, where she then sits on the pillow, and sleeps at last. Dazzle’s glowing vanishes, where Blaine then falls asleep as well.


